Sunday, July 1, 2012

What Would You Pray For?

What I have learned today?  Have I read something in the Bible or otherwise and applied this knowledge to my life?  What have I done to help someone?  These are questions I ask myself at the end of the day.  Constantly learning from my experiences and helping people bring joy and happiness in my life.

In Bethel Missionary Baptist’s Church’s Primary Sunday School Class this morning a 7 year old boy, Reed, and I were studying about King Solomon.  While Reed colored a picture of King Solomon, I read,

     “In time, David’s son Solomon became king.  God was pleased that Solomon did not
     pray for riches, but for an understanding heart.  God made King Solomon the wisest
     man who ever lived, and people came from all over the world to listen to his words.”

We talked about the difference between knowledge and wisdom.  We talked about how important it is to apply what we learn to personal experiences.  Reed was listening intently.  I smiled and looked into his beautiful blue eyes and asked, “Reed, if you were King Solomon what would you pray for?”  There was a moment of silence as Reed contemplated the question.  He spread his arms apart with his palms facing upward, confidently answered, “Peace!  Yes, I would pray for peace!”  We smiled at each other as we looked into each others eyes.  I affirmed, “Great answer!”

Hours later I was thinking about how as teachers we expect to impart knowledge to our students.  The amazing part of being a teacher is that if our hearts are open, we are the ones who end up learning from our students.  Reed is so right.  Peace is wonderful and all of us should pray for peace in our lives.

I am thankful to share that my first experience with perfect peace occurred 43 years ago when the Lord saved my soul.  A heavy troubling burden rolled away and the peace that passes all understanding entered my heart.  Since then in my Christian journey I have faced troubling and confusing situations.  I remember praying to God to be able to just come to peace with certain experiences.  It was my desire to just lay it down and put it to rest.  With God’s help I have been able to do just that.  The calmness and peacefulness is powerful as it has flooded my soul many times.

I rest in Jesus; He is in control of my life.  Jesus is with me every day and is molding me into all that He wants me to become.  He uses my experiences in the molding process.  It is my desire for God to use my experiences to help others along the way in life's journey.


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