Friday, June 29, 2012

The Donkey!!

As I grew up, practical jokes were played on each of us from time to time.  When any of us succeeded at playing a prank on my Dad, it was considered a great accomplishment.  I have been able to reach this goal a few times in my lifetime.

One day while we were in Bolivar, MO, we were shopping in the Ben Franklin Five and Dime Store. “Hey, Mom, look at this!”  I held up a pink-colored postcard sized plaque with a dark gray donkey kicking its hind legs up.  There were words that read, “Kiss Mine!”  I laughed out loud and said, “Wouldn’t it be funny to put this in the mailbox just to see Dad’s reaction when he picks up the mail!”  My Mom laughed, “Yes, it would, but you better make sure you tell him the truth before it goes too far!  You know, how fast your Dad can become excited and agitated!”

I wrapped the plaque up in a box and wrote “To: Billy” on the front.  I walked across the road to the mail box, opened the lid, placed the plaque inside, closed the lid, raised the flag up on the mailbox, and returned to the car.  My Mom, my brother, and I were traveling to church that morning.  I snickered all the way anticipating my Dad’s reaction.

A couple of hours later we arrived home to see my Dad sitting with his leg crossed at the kitchen table drinking coffee and fuming with his face all red.  “What is the matter?” my Mom asked.  Each of us had forgotten about the plaque in the mailbox.

“Would you just look at this?” my Dad exclaimed as he shoved the plaque across the table.  I stifled a laugh!  My Mom laughed a little.  We knew she could get by with that laugh because it was just her personality to laugh at serious situations at times.  It was her way of coping with pressure.  She asked, “Well!  What is this?  Where did it come from?”

“Someone put this in our mailbox.  The flag was up for some reason, so I checked.  I found this wrapped up.  This really makes me MAD!!!!!  I know exactly who sent this!”  We looked at my Dad asking, “Who?”  “Why our stinking neighbor did this to rub political issues in my face!  You all know how many discussions we have had!  I have a notion to take this over to his home to tell him what I think of him and his politics!  He has no reason to be messing with our mailbox or my political opinions!  I have already talked to Dad (my grandfather) about this!!”  My Dad said these things; all the while he raising a pointed index finger, wagging it up and down, as his voice grew louder with each sentence! 

My Mom said, “Now, Bill, do not be hasty!  I am sure there is a reasonable explanation.  My Mom looked at me saying, “Teresa, don’t you think you ought to tell him?”  I busted out laughing.  My Dad turned to look at me, confused.  “Dad, I put the plaque in the mailbox just to tease you.  I had no idea that you would accuse our neighbor”, I said with laughter in my voice.  Dad said, “No!  Really, you did this?”  He was quiet letting it all soak in.  A moment later, my Dad laughed and laughed.  He said, “That was a good joke!  I better call my Dad to tell him.”
Honestly, I think my Dad was a little disappointed that it was a practical joke.  He wanted to give our neighbor a piece of his mind!

Dale Carnegie said, “Do you remember the things you were worrying about a year ago?  How did they work out?  Didn’t you waste a lot of fruitless energy on account of most of them?  Didn’t most of them turn out all right after all?”  My Dad spent a lot of time worrying and wasting energy about something that never happened.  However, it was an awesome practical joke!!!


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