Friday, February 17, 2012

Leaders Follow Through With Their Commitments

When Steve and I joined Team National in August, 2009, we made a promise to work the business until we reached the top (Platinum).  This opportunity was an “answer to prayer”, for us.  My goals are to get our finances in better order, help our children with college tuition, supplement Steve’s retirement income, retire Steve early, and leave a legacy for our children.  I was so excited that I could not sleep that night.

In my Team National journey this past two years I made some decisions along the way.  Was I keeping my promise only when the road was easy?  Am I keeping my promise only when the mood is right, and I am excited about Team National?

I soon realized that in any endeavor I pursue, there will be many good days, and, there will be some challenging days.  But, this business is worth all effort and perseverance!  The struggles we encounter help us become stronger leaders. 

What happens if we become bitter and decide to quit?  It is always easy to quit; the payoff is never good.  If I were to quit, I would be facing several aspects.  What would I say to friends and family members who took a look at business, and said, “No”?   What would I say to my friends that I have hosted into the business?  I would have to face all the team members who welcomed me with open arms, encouraged me, and helped me.  There would be nothing I could say to my hosts (Bill and Michelle Albert) who spent countless hours coaching and mentoring me!  Sorry, my children!  I have failed and removed every unfulfilled dream from my dream board, and throw it in the trash!  And how could I explain this to my husband?  “Sorry, Steve, you must keep working 60 hours per week.  I just can’t do it.”  I tell you, I am not having that conversation!  I would have to look myself in the mirror everyday, several times a day.  And lastly I would face God.  You see, Team National was an answer to prayer.  I would be turning away the very One helping me.  I would want to run and hide, only there would be no place to hide.

I remain committed.  I have a dream and I focus on it.  I let no one take it away from me.  My dream is worth fighting for.  My dream is worth putting my credibility on the line.  And my dream is worth sacrificing for.  I don’t know how many times I have re-examined my heart and renewed my belief in myself.  I am grateful for this company and for what it is doing for people.  I want to be a part of a team who is helping people.  I am a member of the Success Club; I feed my mind everyday.  I attend local and long distance events.  I make the phone calls, and share the business, every chance I get.  I fellowship with the team, help the team, and am enjoying the journey with my team mates.  I ask up line for help and follow their advice.  I am learning to be a better leader everyday!

In Galatians 6:9, it says, “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” God gave me a vision and I will follow.  There is no turning back.  This is the greatest opportunity in America!

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