Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Program Memories

Sunday night we traveled to Half Way Missionary Baptist Church to see the Christmas Program as we have done for the past 24 years.  Much of my husband’s family attends this church.  This particular Christmas Program was like all others except our children are nearly grown up.

“Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be unto all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”  The narrator read from Luke 2:10-11.  While the choir sang, “Angels We Have Heard on High”, I watched the group of angels in an assortment of sizes walk and skip down the aisle to stand behind Mary and Joseph in the front of the church.  I smile and glance at Steve who was sitting beside me.  I saw him brush a tear from his eye.  “Are you okay?” I asked.  He responded, “I am just remembering when our children were younger and participated in the Nativity Story.” 

As we hold hands scattered pictures of our children participating in Christmas programs at Half Way Missionary Baptist Church and Bethel Missionary Baptist Church flood my mind.  Visions of our oldest daughter, Stephanie, age two and dressed in a white angel outfit with a beautiful gold halo, smiling with her arms raised upward.  She said, “Hey, Mom, I sure like the way those wings feel on my back!” 

A picture of our son, Chris, arrayed in a royal red robe and crown, carrying his gift of gold to the Baby Jesus.  His robe fanned outward as he proudly walked to the manger. 

And Hannah, tiptoeing down the aisle, angelically.  She was the youngest and the littlest angel!  Her smile glowed that night.  We were blessed to watch nieces and nephews participate with our children.


Many more moments filled my mind.  Our children acted each Nativity Character over the years.  And now our children are all grown up.  And it seems like we only took a breath and the years have passed all too quickly.  I am blessed and filled with joy.  I am thankful for all the wonderful cherished memories.

Lately, a friend once shared with me that she was worried about her young children.  I empathized with her and added, “Just enjoy every moment with your children.  You are a GREAT mother.  Your children will learn.  This journey of raising your children is full of joy, remember to look for it! 

Kate Nowak said in her book, May You Be Blessed, “Joy is everywhere and it is only when I refuse to see it that it appears to be absent from my life.”  We can fret about a crisis we are facing and we can fret about times already passed.  When we do that we do not see the joy that is everywhere and we miss today’s blessing.

Sunday evening I watched our children and niece and nephew, ages ranging from 17 to 30, banter with each other.  These kids were still not too big for a goody bag filled with an apple and candy.  They traded and bargained the candy and teased each other about pretty girls to ask out.  I watched an uncle and nephew tease a little girl and boy about stealing their Christmas gifts, and more.  It is not the end of joyful times, but the beginning of a lifetime filled with joy!

“This is the day the Lord hath made; we will  rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalms 118:24

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