Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Beautiful White Nativity Scene in the Word, Love!

The night my husband, Steve, and I signed the dotted line to become a part of an amazing company two years ago, I never knew just how much this company would impact our lives.  I never knew how thrilled I would be just to share the concept of this company with people.  I never knew I would grow into a stronger person and a better Christian.  I never knew how many people I could help everyday.  I never thought about the kind of people I would meet and the close relationships I would build.  I am grateful.   

Approximately two weeks ago I shared Team National with a great couple, Darrell and Suzie, who quickly became business partners!  We have spent hours building a business together, growing in personal development, and having a blast!

One morning I received a text from Suzie.  It read, “Joy, Hope, or Love.  Which would you choose?”  I responded, “Love because that includes joy and hope.  What are you doing?”  Suzie replied, “You will see.”  I thought that it was probably a survey or something.  I trusted Suzie would tell me tonight after we shared Team National.  And sure enough she did.  It was unexpected.

“Here is something for you!” Suzie says as she pulls a beautiful gift bag from the back seat of her car and hands it to me.  “Suzie, you do not have to do this!”  I respond.  “I know.”  I begin to open the gift.  It was difficult get the taped bubble wrap undone.  I could see through the bubble wrap that it is a nativity figure.  “Oh, Suzie” It is a beautiful white nativity scene in the middle of the “O” in the word Love.  “It is beautiful!  Did you know that I collect nativity scenes?”  Suzie smiled, shook her head no, and said, “I do, too!”  She then showed me how to turn the lighted star on above the Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  “Oh, I love it.  It is sooo beautiful.  I am going to find the perfect place for it tonight!”  I hugged Suzie and said, “Thank you!”

Walking through the front door of my home holding the “Beautiful White Nativity in the Word, Love, I was overwhelmed with different emotions.  Emotions like hope, joy, and love for my new friend.  At the moment I knelt on the floor by the couch to pray for Darrell and Suzie and to thank God for them.  I asked for God’s blessing in our journey together for we are only beginning. 

I couldn’t wait for Steve and our daughter, Hannah to walk through the back door.  I placed the Beautiful White Nativity in the Word, Love on the mantle above the fireplace.  I was wondering who would notice first.  It was less than five minutes when Hannah exclaimed, “That is really pretty.    Where did you get that?”  Steve said, “Wow.”  I excitedly replied, “Suzie gave it to me!  “Isn’t it beautiful?  And Suzie is such a special person.”

As I admire the nativity I am pondering the events in my Team National life.  You see, God brought this company to Steve and I; it was an answer to prayer.  The Baby Jesus, or rather Jesus answers prayer.  Two years ago Steve and I chose the name, “All You Need Is Love”, for our business, not because we are Beatles fans necessarily.  We chose the name because we love people and we want to help people.  It is also the name of this blog because of the love I have for the people in my life.  The word “love” in the nativity figure, for me, represents the love in the title of our business and my blog.  Do you think this is a coincidence?  I think this happened for a reason. 
I am filled with excitement for the blessed journey ahead of us in climbing to the top!  For I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that as the TCB teams continue to have fun sharing Team National our team grows and grows.

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