Sunday, July 24, 2011

Christopher, The Cowboy: A Shoot Out In Consumers!!

Our son, Christopher, became quite the little cowboy beginning at age 2 and ending around age 10.  Grandparents, parents, and friends encouraged him in this area of his life.  Several individuals taught him all about cowboys using movies, books, coloring books, and clothing.

Christopher spent a couple of days with his Papa and Meme.  Just like most grandparents they loved spoiling him and giving him everything his little heart desired.  On a particular occasion Chris came home with a pair of cowboy boots purchased by his Papa and Meme, of course.  Chris, being a chunky boy, barely could put his fat little legs in the boots.  He was asleep in the car seat when I picked him up.  As Chris awoke he said, “Got boots!  See?”  He strutted around the house just like a real cowboy in those boots.  

It was at that time he was introduced to old western movies such as John Wayne and Paladin.  Chris decided he needed a cowboy hat and a gun and holster just like cowboys in the movies.  Being adorned with boots, hat, and gun and holster was important to Chris.  Every time we entered the public library, visited friends, shopped for groceries, clothing, etc… the boots, hat, and gun and holster were worn.  He never took them off unless he was getting ready for bed.  And then the gun was thrust under his pillow.  One never knew when a bandit would ride up.  He was going to protect his family!

Chris and I went grocery shopping at Consumers in Lebanon one afternoon.  Lee Frank, the assistant manager, laughed and raised his arms in the air and said, “Don’t shoot!”  Did Chris pay any attention?  Absolutely not!  He took the cowboy stance and drew his gun and fired!”  Lee grabbed his chest and said got me!  We all laughed!!

Steve and I are blessed to have several pictures.  A family picture and a 2 year old baby picture with Chris riding a rocking horse with Chris in his diaper and wearing a light blue bandana, boots, and gun and holster.  It is my favorite baby picture of Chris.

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