Thursday, June 7, 2012

Three Graduations

As our family of five head to the Mercy Hospital Springfield Radiologic Technology Commencement Exercises to watch our oldest daughter, Stephanie, received a well earned diploma, I reflect back over two other cherished graduation memories.

In 2006 Stephanie graduated Lebanon Area Homeschoolers high school.  I remember the evening so well.  Stephanie’s smiling face as she walked down the aisle, a speaker who empowered the graduates to beware of the dreamer killers, and Steve and I crying and being all choked up for a loss of words as we remembered all the fun we had homeschooling.  This letter is what I wanted to say to Stephanie during the ceremony, but I just gave her a warm heart felt hug and latter wrote these words to our precious daughter.


"Dear Stephanie,

Graduation Day is here! Twelve years ago this day seemed so far away, but tonight it seems that the years have passed so quickly. And now you are already to begin your journey in life.  We want to express first that we are so very proud of you and all of your accomplishments:  Best of Show oil painting, 4-H Washington D.C. Trip, DARE Award, first demonstration at 4-H Achievement Day, 4.0 gpa at Ozark Technical College, library reading certificates, best listener award at Frontier Theater, School of Performing Arts Dance Class, piano, hammered dulcimer, just to name a few.

Stephanie, even though we enjoy teasing you about not sleeping for the first two years of your life, you were then and remain to be a great blessing on our life.  You are a gift from God; we praise Him for giving you to us and for making you who you are.  We love you just the way God has made you.  You are a blessing to us with your thoughtfulness, beautiful smile, your quiet grace, sweet spirit, your quickness to forgive and forget, readiness to lend a hand, being a friend to us, and more.

The song, “You Raise Me Up”, is wonderful.  You chose a perfect song.  It is true God does lift us up to more than we thank we can be.  God is lifting you up.  God has great plans for you, Stephanie.  We still rejoice in the fact that he saved your soul 3 years ago.  There is a scripture that is a favorite of mine (mom) and it is in Psalms.  It says, “I will lift mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved.  He that keepeth thee will not slumber.  Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall netither slumber nor sleep.  The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.  The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.  The Lord shall preserve thee from all evel; He shall preserve thy soul.  The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”  Today, as I was ironing your graduation gown, I was praying for you, Stephanie.  I asked the Lord to watch over you through life, to take care of you, to keep you safe and happy.  A peace came over me and I heard the Lord say to me, “Haven’t I always!”  I thought, “yes, Lord, you have.  And thank you so much.”  Stephanie may you always look to God for guidance and may you always feel God’s spirit.

I (mom) wish I could have said in public what is in my heart.  My heart was too full tonight.  Thank you for your forgiveness.  And even now words cannot express my thoughts properly.  We love you with all our hearts.

Mom and Dad"

In 2010 Stephanie graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Southwest Baptist University

Again we watched Stephanie walk down the aisle at an outdoor ceremony at SBU.  She worked very hard to earn that degree while working part-time at a local pharmacy and our hearts nearly burst with pride.  The next step for Stephanie was Mercy Hospital Springfield Radiologic Technology School in June. 

Now 2012 Stephanie marches down the aisle again to receive her X-ray technician degree.  I recall Stephanie applying for two years consecutively and doubting as to whether she would be accepted.  “Hold onto your dream and have faith in God,” I encouraged her.  A few days later I remember reading her acceptance letter to her over the phone excitedly!  It was a joyful time.

During the ceremony one of the instructors encouraged the students to work hard, to be passionate about what you are doing, and to be happy.  These are great words!  Stephanie is now employed with Mercy Hospital Springfield.  She has reached her goals.  What will be the next dream or goal Stephanie will accomplish?  I do not know.  It is something Stephanie will have to decide.    

What I do know is that life should be filled with goals to reach.  Life should be lived with passion.  Life should be lived with happiness.  We all have these decisions to make in life.  God has placed within each of our hearts a dream or talent that no one can quite complete as you.  Stephanie has her own uniqueness.  I just want to say to each of you and to Stephanie, “Go and be all the God has created you to be!”

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