Sunday, April 8, 2012

More "I Just Have To Scream" Stories!

A few months ago, I posted a story about a time that I rode an amusement ride and I could not keep from screaming.  My cousin, Linda Benso, responded to my posting, “Screaming relieves stress!”

My response was, “Hey, Linda!  You make me laugh at your comments, cousin!  I do relate to the rare occasions that I have to just scream from being so stressed.  I remember one particular weekend Hannah and I spent with some girls and a mother.  The girls were great; the mother was complaining and murmuring the whole time and very, very strict.  When we dropped them at their home and traveled home a certain amount of distance, I rolled the window down and screamed.  Hannah and I just drove around for awhile so I could relax before I went home to my family.  I wanted to be in a happy state of mind.  I am grateful that does not happen often.  I am learning to take control of situations like this and put a STOP TO ALL THE NEGATIVITY!  Life is too short.”

Linda’s responded with her “I Just Have To Scream Story!”  She said, “I was about 2 months pregnant and having morning sickness.  It was just days before my sister, Terri’s wedding and I needed to clean house and go for a dress fitting along with just taking care of three other preschoolers, which I already had among other things going on.  We had family coming in from out of town etc.  The day started with breakfast and I quickly cleared off the table, but I decided to take just 5 minutes and run downstairs to finish the vacuuming before doing the dishes and cleaning the upstairs.  The kids usually followed me wherever I went and I thought it was odd that Katie was not with me, but figured I would check on her when I finished in just about 2 minutes.  When I went upstairs, there was Katie – she had pulled a chair over to the kitchen counter and proceeded to empty an entire pitcher of grape juice all over herself, all over the chair and all over the carpet!  AARRGGHH!  In order to relieve the stress, I decided to just scream three times at the top of my lungs.  I felt better and went to work cleaning up.  I stripped Katie and set her in the crib and just then about three neighbors showed up to check on me and be sure I was not being raped or anything!  Embarrassing!  You know how God says that before we call he will answer?  One of the neighbors had JUST gotten home and had rented a steam cleaner.  She proceeded to clean my dining room carpet while I took care of Katie and cleaned the kitchen!  My Bible verse by the way is Psalm 116:6.  It reads, “The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me.”  This episode cured me of screaming by the way!”

I love this story my cousin Linda shared!  Linda was preparing for a momentous day with a sister getting married and caring for young children; she had a lot of responsibility on this particular day.  Linda did not hurt anyone by relieving her stress in this way.  In fact, it was more of a distress signal.  This story does demonstrate how much people care and how much people help each other.  God works through people. 

After thinking about relieving my stress with screaming, I have learned something.  For my stress, I should stop the negativity before it builds to such a high point that I have to scream to relieve it.  I could make subject changes or politely say, “Can we talk about something more positive?”  One of my favorite verses is found in Philippians 4:8.  It says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

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