Saturday, November 17, 2012

Buddy's Mouse

Steve was a pharmacy student, and I was a research assistant in the Kansas City area in the middle 80’s.  Even though we missed our families greatly, it was an amazing learning experience for both of us to learn to depend upon each other more and more. Our relationship through our experiences strengthened as a result.  Even though we were studying and working hard, we found ways to laugh every day. 

Once in a great while we would shop for clothes, cookware, books, and appliances at the Bannister Mall near Grandview, Missouri.  On this particular day we were browsing in a toy shop, when my eye caught a life size fury little mouse.  I gasped, “Steve look at this.  It looks so real!”

“It does for sure!” agreed Steve.

“I have an idea!  Remember how Buddy is afraid of the mice in the milk barn?”  Steve shook his head yes.  “And you know how messy he is.  Let’s buy this mouse.  The next time we visit my family, we can place it strategically somewhere to startle Buddy.”

Laughing, we staggered to the check out counter to purchase our little pet.  The clerk with dancing brown eyes and a wide grin took our money and put our mouse in a small brown paper bag.  She knew what we were up to. 

As we left the mall, the wheels in my mind began turning round and round.  Where would we leave the mouse?  How will we slightly hide the mouse without being seen?  Steve and I brained stormed different ideas. 

“I know just what to do!  Remember how Buddy and Dad arrive home with hot bologna sausage, crackers, cheese, soda, bananas, and other snacks from the small convenience/package store nearly every Saturday afternoon?  Both of them devour the fatty food and love every bite. They are so messy on that counter leaving all the food and wrappers out scattered all over the place.  It becomes one jumbled up heap!” I reminded Steve as he smiled at me with ornery twinkling eyes.  “The advantage is planting our little fury friend in the mess.  I can just see Buddy moving from the sink to the counter to the refrigerator and back.  After he leaves the counter area to sit at the kitchen table, I can prepare a small snack for us and nonchalantly put the mouse in the mess.  After I leave the kitchen at some point Buddy will go back for second helpings.  I would bet on it!”

“Great idea!” exclaimed Steve

We wanted so desperately to observe Buddy’s reaction, when he bumps into our fury friend.  What would his reaction be? Over the course of a few weeks I play different scenarios in my mind anticipating over and over again my brother’s reaction, when he finds the mouse.  Would he jump in the air, back off, or yell?    

Finally, Steve and I acquired time away from school and work to travel to the Bolivar, Missouri area to visit our families.  Just as planned Buddy and Dad came home with hot bologna and all the fixings on that Saturday afternoon.  I watched Buddy devour a banana and throw the peeling on the counter in the midst of meat, crackers, wrappings, and other food items.  Perfect!  Buddy picked up his plate and left the counter while I sauntered to the counter.  I discretely removed the mouse from my sweater pocket and placed the mouse on the banana peel as if the mouse were eating the peeling.

Picking up my plate I went to the table to sit down, to eat, and to observe. 

The moment I sat down Buddy rose from the table saying, “I need some mustard on my sandwich!”  Carelessly he set his plate on the counter, opened the refrigerator door with an arm load of mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise.  I heard the refrigerator close.  Buddy took two steps to the counter coming to a halt, and then he threw his arms in the air almost dropping the containers of condiments.  His mouth dropped!  He screeched! 

I could hold the laughter inside no longer.  I had the privilege observing his reaction.  It was all I had expected.  Buddy gave me first a startled look, followed by a frustrated, and an angry look.  He then busted out laughing.  Dad and Mom looked and asked, “What is going on?”

Buddy says, “Sis just tried to give me a heart attack with this mouse,” as he picked it up by the tail.

Mom and Dad go to the kitchen counter to look.  “What a joke!” they chuckled. 

Reminiscing upon this fond memory of connecting with my family through laughter, I realize just how blessed my life has been.  I knew this little joke would bring joy and laughter to all, especially to me.  As the years fly by I understand more the importance of being someone with the type of spirit that lifts others up everyday.  It doesn’t have to be a joke.  It can be a smile reflecting a joyful and happy heart. 

Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…

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