Monday, May 28, 2012

Bringing Joy To The Heart!

For years I only talked about writing a book filled with memories for my three children until one day I realized that time is quickly ticking away with not a single story recorded.  “When am I putting the pen to the paper and writing?  There is no time like the present!” I told myself.  On May 25th I am excited to share that I will be celebrated my first anniversary of memoir writing and blog posting.

Why did I decide to write my memoirs to leave for my children?  It all began unfolding when I had a dream on a stressful night.  You see, in my dream I saw Jesus.  I felt His love.  In fact I felt such a deep love from Jesus that I can’t completely describe it, but as much as possible I wanted to share my emotions and feeling as best I could before the memory faded.  I did write the story of which was a previous posting, titled, “I Saw Jesus In 2009”.  Later I realized that I should write my salvation story.  I did.  Next I wanted salvation stories of my brothers and sisters at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, other church friends, and family members who were willing to share them with my children.  I greatly appreciate all the salvation stories given; they are truly a blessing. 

Weeks later, as Steve and I were reminiscing with our children on a Sunday afternoon it occurred to me that I should record these fun stories from my childhood.  Memories of when Steve and I met, playing with Barbie Dolls with my brother, eating and hiding green beans, catching lizards, facing fat rats, being chased by a bat, and so many more.  My family laughed so hard at these stories our stomachs hurt.  What a blessing these life experiences were and continue to be.  These stories must live on providing joy and happiness.

The decision was made to write my memoirs.  From past experience I knew that if a goal is not set and focused upon, it would be just another unfinished project.  These stories are too precious to fall in that category.  My life is busy as a wife, mother, and entrepreneur, thus I wanted to set a goal I knew I could accomplish.  My goal was to write one story per week.  This would be 52 stories in my book for the first year which is great.  Lastly, how will I keep myself accountable?  At the time I was subscribed to a couple of blogs and reading from them regularly.  What if I posted these stories on a blog?  My readers would keep me accountable.  And my readers have without even knowing it.  Thank you readers for all your kind words of encouragement!  You are a blessing. 

I actually wrote 60 stories and my youngest daughter contributed 3 stories of family memories from a college composition class.  I am excited to say that this exceeds my goal of 52.  I found that I could write more than I thought I could.  I also found that writing these memories were a joy and something I look forward to.  In fact I could get so absorbed in the memory I would begin laughing and laughing.  It was a challenge to stop long enough to write it.  And Steve laughed so hard I wondered if he was going to get through the proof reading. 

Will the memory writing continue for another year?  You better believe it.  I only have 52 recorded stories and hundreds more to go.  I can’t wait to get lost in the memory.  My goal this year will be to compose two per week and share them on my blog.  Get ready readers for more.

As I wrote and posted my stories this past year, I came to understand more of the magnitude of each memory and the joy each memory brought to my heart.  I treasure my memories more and more.  Just thinking about how many times I have laughed and enjoyed being with my friends and relatives, I know God has truly blessed me.  In writing these stories it is my desire to make a difference by bringing joy and encouragement in the lives of not only my children, but anyone who reads them.


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