Sunday, March 25, 2012

Doing The Little Things Matter

We are responsible for the choices we make and the actions we take in this life.  These choices and actions seem quite insignificant and inconsequential at times.  People say or think, “This won’t really matter; it will not make any difference in my life or anyone”.  Gravely, people fail to understand that it is the doing of the little things that matter the most.    

Within a short period of time I was an innocent bystander in the neglect of a couple people not doing a little thing that mattered in two situations.  Hannah and I were traveling to Kansas City for a gymnastics meet.  As were drove through Clinton, I told Hannah that we were going to stop for a bathroom break.  Feeling the pain, I rushed into the women’s restroom.  I peered under the stalls to look for feet.  I saw feet in the first stall, but none in the second.  “Oh, I am so glad I don’t have to wait!” I thought.  I pushed on the door and suddenly a loud screeching scream filled the room.  The scream came from an Asian woman who did not lock the door.  Startled, I jumped and almost did not need to use the restroom anymore!  The Asian woman came out muttering something I could not understand.  I replied, “Sorry, I did not know anyone was in there and the door was unlocked.”  She replied with an accent that “It is okay.”

Another extremely embarrassing unlocked bathroom door incident occurred.  Finishing my lunch at a local restaurant, I informed my friend I was headed to the restroom and would return shortly.  The restroom in this particular restaurant was unisex.  I am not overly thrilled by this, but I would make it work.  I pushed on the door and low and behold there was a man standing there!  I was so very EMBARRASSED.  I wanted to run and hide from the world.  I wanted to rewind the clock and start all over.  When the man came out, I did the only thing I knew and apologized.  He said, “It was my fault for not locking the door!”

Why did these situations happen?  Better yet these situations should not have happened if these two individuals would have done the important little thing such as locking the restroom door which took approximately a tenth or a hundredth of a second.  I wondered, “Were these people so disparate and in a hurry they did not take the personal responsibility to lock the door?  It was seemingly such a minor task to omit, but the results were major, to me.  All of us could have been spared major embarrassment, at least on my part. 

Most of us choose to watch TV everyday.  An insignificant decision many people say, “It is only a TV show.  What will it hurt?”  Let me ask you, “What are you watching and how much are you watching?”  It is estimated that people, ages 12 and older watch around 5 hours of TV per day.  That is 35 hours per week; it is over one day a week wasted in watching other people live their lives.  I can say all this because I have been a TV watcher to some degree.  This could have been time spent with family, helping someone, or reading a quality personal growth book.  Earl Nightingale says that “if you will spend an extra hour each day in study of your chosen field, you will be a national expert in that field in five years or less.”  Isn’t that amazing?  To read one hour everyday is a small decision which produces huge results.  You can learn and go out to make a difference in others lives.

Over the last two years that is exactly what I have been doing.  Instead of watching mindless TV, I have spent an hour a day reading a personal development book, listening to an encouraging CD, and being a part of a personal development group.  I have learned a great deal and I have been applying what I have learned to my life.  During these past two years I have been able to do things I never thought possible. 

Just an hour a day of personal development and building a home business over a period of two years has transformed me into a stronger person and a better Christian.  For instance, I truly understood that everyday is “thanksgiving”.  I began to really be grateful for everything God has given me even when situations in life are challenging.  I developed positive thinking more and more; I began teaching my children this as well.  I set the example.  The change in my behavior shocked my parents, my brother, and others.  My brother informed me, “I do not think it is right to say you feel great, when you are not.”  I asked him, “Why am I not feeling great?  God has blessed me with an awesome family.  The sun is shining today.  I am healthy.  I have a beautiful home.  You tell me is that not enough to be happy about?”  Others would complain and I would step away from the complaining by changing the subject, finding something that could get me off the phone, or just tell them that if it is negative I do not want to hear about it.

Another transformation is that I stopped worrying about what people thought of me.  Previously, I just wanted everyone to like me.  I had become a people pleaser in order to accomplish this.  My people pleasing efforts did not work.  In I Thessalonians 2:4 it says, “But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, Which trieth our hearts.” 

One example of my people pleasing adventures is certain friends would ask for my services.  I wanted to please them so much that I would sacrifice family time in order to help!  I even recall saying, “I just want everyone to be happy!”  Thankfully, I came to understand that I should take care of my family first.  Life suddenly became simpler.

Another change I observed in myself was becoming more and more assertive.  Nearing the end of my homeschooling endeavors, I became strong enough to say I will no longer be offering Iowa Basic Skills Testing even though no one is stepping up to continue the testing.  I made a decision that was best for my family.  Our goals were changing and I needed to adjust accordingly.  Without the personal development this decision would have been a challenge.

I have felt much personal freedom in developing these character traits.  I am grateful for all the obstacles I have overcome.  Just think, it was all because of a simple decision to read for an hour a day instead of watching TV.  This is life changing and worth all effort.  I truly believe that doing the small things really do matter.  I will continue doing the small things for I do want to be even stronger and better.            

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