Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shellac Cat

Have your children ever brought a fun, but yet timing consuming project to you asking for your help?  Were you encouraging and supportive? Or did you decide you didn’t have the time to invest?  Did you take advantage of the teachable moments God provides along the way of raising your children? 

One such amazing moment occurred for me on a sun shiny afternoon.  “Mom, can we make this cat?  Don’t you think this would be so much fun?” asked Stephanie, as she came rushing into the kitchen, wearing a huge smile.  “See!  Look!”

Stephanie placed the magazine article in my hands.  There was a picture and drawing of a huge shellac cat made of newspapers and brown paper bags!  In fact, it was bigger than my ten year old daughter.  Making the cat would be fairly inexpensive for it was made mostly from newspapers, large brown paper bags, craft paints, and shellac paint. 

“Wow!  This project will make quite a cat!  Well, the cost will be next to nothing, but Stephanie do you realize how much time this project could take?” I asked.

“No, but; I really want to make this!” she pleaded.

“Are you willing to stick this out until completed?  I need your 100% commitment!” I informed Stephanie.  I always do my best to teach my kids to stay with a project until completion, no matter how tedious or challenging.

“Yes, I will!” she agreed as she looked me in the eye.

As a devoted homeschooling mom, I was always looking for teachable moments to help my kids learn.  I, also, strongly desired for them to have fun learning.  Life is too short not to have fun.  I knew this project would be time consuming, but it would be a great time to have fun together, to teach perseverance, to work hard, and to create something unusual.

We made the head, body, legs, and tail out of brown paper bags being stuffed with wadded up newspapers.  Scattered newspapers covered the family room floor.  Stephanie and I wadded up newspapers stuffing them in the brown paper bags.  We laughed at how our fingers turned black from the newspaper print.  “You have a black smudge on your nose, Stephanie.” I said.

Stephanie rubbed her nose and chin smearing additional black ink on her nose.  “Go to the mirror!”  I suggested.

She went to the mirror.  When she saw the ink, she laughed.

We gradually shaped them into the head and body.  It was fun watching the project come together.  After we finished stuffing newspapers in brown paper bags in the shape of a cat, we were ready to paint the cat.  Stephanie wanted it to be a snow tiger.  She painted the cat all white first using craft paint. 

“Do I need to put another coat of white?” Stephanie asked.

“Yes, it looks like the newspaper printed is showing through, but we need to let this coat dry first so probably tomorrow would be good.”  I said.

“Good, because I am tired!” said Stephanie.

After we were done painting white, we painted black strips.  When this paint dried we gave it two coats of shellac. 

 The project required days of hard work and fun.  We placed the finished project on the front porch for awhile.

Stephanie demonstrated the commitment to see her project through to completion.  I am proud of her.  Nido R. Qubein wrote in his book titled, Attitude: The Remarkable Power of Optimism about decisions and commitments.

     “A decision is made with the brain.  A commitment is made with the heart.  Therefore,
     a commitment is much deeper and more binding that a decision.

     Commitment involves feelings as well as thinking.  It is the result of a well-
     documented formula: Thoughts plus feelings equal action.

     Everything you do has to be born in the brain as an idea.  That idea gives birth to a
     feeling.  You act on the basis of the feeling.  Therefore, your actions turn your
     thoughts into reality, once you have been motivated by your feelings.

     The deeper and more intense your feelings, the more powerful the motivation to turn
     thoughts into action.

     The thought creates a vision.  The feeling makes the vision glow.  Action brings the
     vision to life.”

Was it worth it for Stephanie to see her vision come to pass?  Absolutely, she persevered through the days.  Each day was fun even though there were challenges such as the time it took to complete the project, running out of newspapers, cleaning up the mess, and so forth.  The best part is teaching my daughter about perseverance and integrity.  Two character traits everyone should develop.

“Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season you shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Mouse

What can we learn from a little mouse?  Is it possible to learn about expectations and goals?  How about respect? 

In the wee hours of the morning, Christopher, who was 3 months old awoke hungry.  I scooped him up in my arms, hugged him, and sat in the recliner to feed him.  Our home was calm and quiet with the moonlight shining through the window.  The only sound heard was Christopher swallowing his milk as fast as he could.  He was hungry!

 “What’s that?” I thought.  In the stillness I heard a whooshing and a scratching noise.  I stopped rocking and listened.  There it was again.

“Creek, step, step.” This noise was Steve, my husband, stepping into the kitchen for drink of water. 

“Steve, I heard something like whooshing and scratching over by the refrigerator.  Do you see anything?”

Steve sleepily looked around the refrigerator and opened a few cabinet doors.  “I don’t see a thing!” he said as he finished off the glass of water. 

After Steve left the room, I thought, “I just know I heard something.” The room grew silent again. 

“Scratch, scratch!” I heard it again!  Christopher drifted back to sleep.  I slowly walked back to his crib, kissed his soft little head, and laid him in the crib.  As I covered him up with the softest baby blanket, I noticed his sweet smile.  I, always, loved watching my children, but this early morning I had to find out what the noise could be.

I flipped a light on in the kitchen to begin my quest for the whoosh and scratch.  I opened every cabinet door to no avail.  I grew sleepy so I decided to catch a few more hours of sleep.

A few hours later I was in the kitchen preparing scrambled eggs, bacon, and cinnamon toast.  As I busied myself with the preparations, I was thinking about my to-do list for the day.  I opened the cabinet door at eye level in front of me to get the jar of cinnamon sugar for the toast.  With my right hand on the door handle my left hand was on the verge of picking up the jar of cinnamon sugar.  I suddenly stopped and screamed because there was a wee little mouse sitting next to the jar of cinnamon sugar in a begging position looking me straight in the eye.  Startled, I screamed, then, abruptly slammed the door.  Steve came running from the back of the house to the kitchen.

“What in the world is the matter?” asked a startled Steve.

I said, “I just saw a mouse.  The mouse was the one making all the noise last night.”

“Where is he?”

“In the cabinet he was staring at me at eyeball level!  I was not expecting it!”
“Ha ha ha ha!”  that is funny!” laughed Steve.

“Maybe it was funny for you, but not for me!”

Again mousetrap caught the mouse.  I added to my to-do list to clean the cabinets.

When I first heard the whooshing and scratching, I thought the noise was probably a mouse.  Since I was tired, I quit searching.  I, basically, stopped expecting to find the answer. 

How often do we stop expecting things to happen in other aspects of our lives?  How many times have we given up on our goals, because there were just too many obstacles to overcome, such as being tired, being sick, hearing discouraging words from people, and so forth.  It is sad, but I meet people everyday who has no goals, dreams, or aspirations.  It is like they have given up on life.

Zig Ziglar says, “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.”

Another interesting aspect of this situation is not looking the mouse in the eye and slamming the door.  Steve and I have encouraged our children to look people in the eye, since it demonstrates equality, respect, interest, and appreciation.  I have spoken with people who could not look me in the eye.  It was very distracting; it showed lack of respect for themselves.

Nido Qubein, says, “Nobody on earth is more valuable than you are.  Your life is as precious to you as the greatest people’s lives have been to them.  And your estimate of your self-worth is the only estimate that counts.”

It is amazing, but we can learn a lot from a little mouse!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Mouse Or A Careless Habit

Do you ever become frustrated?  Do you ever feel like you have hit a brick wall many times over in teaching good habits?  We all do.  I know God is patient and kind.  When I fail to learn the lesson God has for me, I get another chance to learn the lesson.

One evening after arriving home from an event, my 4 year old daughter, Hannah, and I snuggled on the couch reading a stack of books.  Chris and Stephanie were merrily riding their bikes around in a big circle on the carport.  I could hear their squeals and laughter on this muggy hot summer evening.  Steve tidied up the garage. 

Most of the time the Stewart kids and husband can’t seem to learn to close a door.  Attempting many times to instill this value, I would shout in frustration, “Shut the door, please!”  Shouting didn’t work either.  Jokingly, I declared it was an inherited trait on the Stewart side of the family; however, I knew it was a bad habit.

As Hannah reached for another book, Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, a slight movement caught my eye near the kitchen area.  I hesitated for a moment.  I shrugged.  Perhaps it was my imagination. 

“Meeew!” softly chirped one of our black cats.  It stealthily slinked into the dining room.

“What is going on?” I thought.

At that moment Stephanie came inside the kitchen from the garage.  They had put their bikes away and Steve was closing the big garage door.

“Stephanie, was the wooden garage door open when you came in?” I asked.

“Yes.” Stephanie replied nodding her head up and down.

“I think that when you all left the inside garage door open, a mouse ran into the dining room and Rosie is in there.  Let’s go see.  Hannah, just sit here on the couch.”  I said.

Stephanie and I slowly stepped into the dining room.  Rosie looked up at us.  Suddenly, a dark streak raced from the dining room to the front living room.  The little mouse found a hiding place behind the piano.

“Stephanie go stand in the doorway to prevent the mouse from further running into the bedrooms.” I said.  “Steve, come quick there is a mouse.”

At this exact moment Rosie began sniffing around the piano.  The frightened mouse ran out.  He quickly halted directly face to face with Stephanie.  She loomed over the mouse with legs spread apart like a giant.  Even though the mouse was very small Stephanie screamed.  They were both frightened.

“Aaagh!  Help me!” she screamed.

Steve quickly stepped into the dining room saying emphatically, “Stomp on it!”  

“She’s bare footed!” I stressed.

The mouse dashed between Stephanie’s legs as she screamed again.  He ran into the hot water heater and heating unit closet.

Steve threw his hands into the air in frustration saying, “Great!  Now what will we do?”

We all looked at each other.  “I know.  I have an idea.  Get a mousetrap.  Place some peanut butter on it.  I guarantee you we will have the mouse in 30 minutes.” I said.

Steve replied, “What do we have to loose!  Rose should have done her job!  Rosie, what are we going to do with you?”

We went about the usual bedtime routines.  Suddenly, “Snap!”

Steve and I looked at each other.  “I believe that could be our mouse.”

As Steve picked up the mousetrap with mouse, I told the kids to please shut the garage door behind them.  What if the mouse were to get in bed with you?”

“It would be a nightmare!” Stephanie agreed.

Did the kids learn to shut the door?  Not immediately.  I still had to remind them.  Could it really be an inherited trait or a bad habit?  Is there any hope?  Of course there is always hope.  I believe God gives us a test or learning experience from time to time.  Are we a failure if we don’t pass it the first time?  No, but we may get to take the test again and again until we do pass the test or learn the lesson.

Nothing is impossible with God.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Shake It Off and Step Up!

How do you face a challenge or obstacle?  We no sooner set a goal, than we face challenges along the way.  Is your goal worth overcoming any obstacle thrown in the way?  Do you give up or do you persist?

In the book, Beauty For Ashes, Joyce Meyers shares this story.  There was a farmer and his donkey walking through a field.  Suddenly the donkey fell into a dry well.  The farmer, frantically, tried pulling the donkey out with the ends of a rope, but to no avail since the donkey was too heavy for the farmer to lift.  The donkey tried jumping, but could not jump high enough.  The farmer exhausted every idea that popped into his head.  In frustration and weariness the farmer sat on a stump letting his head fall into his hands.  He didn’t know else to do, but gather his neighbors to help him dump dirt into the well to bury the donkey.  He had been a faithful servant to the farmer.  This would be a proper burial. 

As two or three buckets of dirt fell upon the donkey, he knew exactly what was going on.  Immediately, the donkey began crying and moaning pitifully.  He didn’t want his life to end this way.  He knew the farmer had given up.  The donkey wailed louder.  The donkey realized all the crying and moaning would not free him from this pit so he stopped to think.  The donkey, using his imagination, figured out the solution to his problem.

The farmer noticed that his donkey was not crying anymore.  He peered down into the well to see what had happened.  Had the donkey given up and died already?  To the farmer’s surprise he saw his donkey shaking each bucket of dirt off his back and stepping up.  A bucket of dirt drops, the donkey shakes it off and steps up.   The process continues with more dirt dropping, the donkey shaking it off and stepping up.  In amazement the farmer watches his faithful donkey happily step out of the well.

If I had written an extra ending to this story it would the donkey giving the farmer a good swift kick in the behind for giving up.  This seems to be the easy way out.  Or not?  Every time the farmer walked by the filled up dry well, it would be a reminder of his quitting on life.  It seems to me that giving up and burying our goals and dreams is something one would have to live with all their life.  I wouldn’t want to live with that.

Many times in my life, I face challenges.  I don’t know what to do.  I panic and cry.  I make a lot of noise.  After awhile, I discover this does not help.  When I finally do become quiet to think and to listen to God, the answer usually comes.  It’s funny, but the answer is the obstacle.  The obstacle takes me to the next level in reaching the top.  It is important to shake it off and step up.

I encourage all of us the next time we face an obstacle to shake it off and step up.

Friday, September 27, 2013

I Love You!

Do you tell the special people in your life that you love them?  Love is a powerful thing.  It can be expressed through words and actions.  It is important to never miss an opportunity to express your love.   

After my Dad’s passing, I was heart broken, emotionally drained, and physically exhausted.  Carefully, I drove our Dodge Caravan onto the lane of I-44 traffic on my way home.  I was thinking about my Dad.  Scattered memories of  Dad teaching me to ride a horse, Dad making home made ice cream and eating it drenched with home made chocolate syrup, Dad and I watching professional football games together, Dad holding his first grandchild, and then…   

I wondered, “When was the last time I spoke with Dad, when he was still coherent?” 

I inhaled in surprise as I recalled the final words my Dad and I shared.  I can still hear his voice.

“I love you, Dad!”

“I love you, too, Sis!”

Tears streamed down my face dropping in my lap.  It could have been any conversation: harsh words, happy words, or sad words, but it was I love you!  I am so glad I followed my heart that day.    I will always treasure this memory.

The day after my Dad passed my husband wrote a thank you note to our son-in-law, Jeff, thanking him for taking good care of our daughter whose heart was breaking over the loss of her grandfather.  Jeff canceled part of his weekend with friends in Branson to return to be with Stephanie in her time of need.

“Come read this card.  Tell me if there is anything you want to add.” asked Steve.

As I carefully read the words, I noticed that a few very important words were left out.  I picked up the pen.  I wrote, “We love you both!” 

I looked up at Steve and smiled. “We can never tell our loved enough that we love them.”

A few days later I was visiting with a friend.  In those moments I felt God prompting my heart to tell this friend something important.

“I just want you to know that I love you.”  We hugged. 

I walked to my vehicle, opened the door, sat down in the seat, and shut the door.  I, then, reached for my cell phone to check messages.  I have a Bible application showing different scriptures on the front.  John 15:12-13 appeared. 

“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” 

I stared at my phone with blurry eyes.  A tear dropped from my eyes and fell on my cell phone.  At that moment I felt like God hugged me.  It felt so peaceful to let God shine through me and to know I had been obedient. 

The scriptures tell us that God is love.  Do we really understand just how much God loves us?  I know I don’t.  As I strive everyday to build my relationship with God, I come to feel the height and depth of his love more and more.  And I want to say I love you Jesus not only for what you do for me, but because you first loved me!  I am truly living a blessed life.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Trusting God

There's something to be said about our relationship with God.  Is it one where we only pray when we are in Need of God's help?  And, God be quick about it?  Or, is it one where we pray daily in the good times as well as in the challenging times while trusting God to take care of us in His time?

How do we have a close relationship with God? We must consistently read, study, and meditate on God’s Word daily.  This study of God’s Word aids us in truly knowing who God is.  He is bigger than anything we could ever face in this life.  He loves us more than we can even imagine. 

This relationship with God involves trust.  When we trust God we surrender our will, ideas, desires, and future to God.  We don’t fear the outcome because we know He is with us, loves us, and has our best interests in His heart.   

Daniel was a man who prayed daily.  Because of this prayer Daniel, demonstrated confident, expectation when thrown into the lion’s den.  In Daniel 6:13 it reads;

“Then answered they and said before the king, That Daniel, which is of the children of the captivity of Juda, regardeth not thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three times a day.
Then the king, when he heard these words, was sore displeased with himself, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him; and he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him.
Then these men assembled unto the king, and said unto the king, Know, O king, that the law of the Medes and Persians is, That no decree nor statute which the king establisheth may be changed.
Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions.  Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.
And a stone was brought, and laid upon the mouth of the den; and the king sealed it with his own signet, and with the signet of his lords; that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniel.
Then the king went to his palace, and passed the night fasting: neither were instruments of musick brought him: and his sleep went from him.
Then the king arose very early in the morning, and went in haste unto the den of lions.
And when th came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel: and the king spake and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions?
Then said Daniel unto the king, O king, live for ever.
My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions” mouths, that they have not hurt me; forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt.
Then was the king exceeding glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den.  So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God.”

Wow, to be a Daniel!

God wants to be our friend.  He is the best friend any of us could ever have.  As we build a relationship, we learn to trust Him with secrets from the deepest parts of our hearts.  We tell Jesus about all of our troubles, because He is a friend who can help us.  We must trust Him to see us through all of our struggles.  When Peter walked on water he was fine until he focused on the wind and waves.  In Matthew14:22-31 it says,

“And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves; for the wind was contrary.
And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and the cried out for fear.
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
And he said, Come.  And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

Each of us has difficulty trusting God sometimes.  It is a growing and learning process.  I am always comforted to know God is always with me. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

With or Without?

How do you like to spend your vacations with relatives and friends or to get away from relatives and friends?  This was a question I was asked recently at a Toastmaster Meeting.

I have had the blessing of taking several vacations.  Most vacations are taken with my husband and three children.  We have a blast on the Florida beaches, at the top of a lighthouse, in the Blue Spring Park walking through the lush vegetation, at the St. Louis Cardinals Spring Training game, and more.  While we enjoy these activities, we are meeting people and making new friends either in Florida or new friends traveling to Florida who is on vacation, too.  In fact, we exchange phone numbers, email address, or Facebook.  There have been a few times we find time to see each other again. 

One vacation we traveled to Breckinridge, Colorado to visit my family.  We spent the whole week renewing our friendship, reminiscing about past times together, and making more memories.  It was a glorious time together climbing 12,000 foot mountains, shopping, eating great food, panning for gold, and identifying star constellations while on top of a mountain.   

I have the best of both kinds of vacations.  I love vacationing and meeting new friends and I love vacationing with my distant family.  Earl Nightingale said, “Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.  Be happy now.  Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.  Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family.  Every minute should be enjoyed and savoured.”

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Evils of Drinking

There are all kinds of ways communication happens such as telephone conversations, emailing, letters delivered by the pony express, Facebook, texting, and so forth.  Each form has their purpose.  Even though face to face conversations like the look you in the eye kind, are best, people, many times, will text instead.

Text messaging does not provide all the elements of communication.  Someone could send a message saying, “I am happy!”  How happy?  Are they really happy?  Are they being sarcastic?  You see, a great deal of communication is not expressed here.  You don’t hear voice inflection and body language.  Of course, a type of smilie face can be inserted to help this, but the twinkles in people’s eyes are missing.

People need not be slack in checking their spelling of words in text messages.  Misspelled words can change the whole meaning of a sentence.  My husband and I exchanged text messaging one evening that was misunderstood.  It was hilarious!

We (Christopher, Hannah, and I) stopped by our Sonic Drive Inn here in Lebanon, Missouri to purchase a treat of fountain drinks before picking Steve up from the pharmacy.  We were going to Wednesday evening services at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church.  It was 7 o’clock as we pulled into Smitty’s parking lot.  As I moved the gear to park, I heard, “Bllllllink!”  I love the blink sound, because it means that someone is sending me a text.  “It’s Steve!” I said laughing.  Here is how the conversation went.

Steve:  “I am almost finished.  Where are you?”
Me:  “I am in the lit.”
Me:  “We have drinks!”
Me:  Sent a series of diffferent smilie faces such as happy, winking, sunglasses, etc…

Smiling, Steve hops in the car and says, “You all must be having a wonderful time of it?”  “What?” I ask.  Steve says, “In your text messages you said that you are lit and have drinks!”  I laughed, “What are you talking about?”  Steve shows me the conversation on his phone.  It looked so different from the truth of the situation

I became lazy in my typing of the word, “lot”.  I saw the typo, but I thought Steve will know what I mean.  I left out the word, Sonic.  I was feeling really happy and I like smilie faces, which is why I decided to include so many of them.

This texting conversation became quite different from my intentions due to carelessness
on my part.  Even though we all had a good laugh, I realized just how important it is to take the extra time to communicate properly.

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.”  Proverbs 6:6


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Night of Blessings

Life is full of blessings in the most unexpected ways.  The blessing could be running into an old friend at the grocery store, listening to a song sung by your favorite artist, a message in a fortune cookie, and so forth.  Could there possibly be a blessing in having no electricity?  Thomas Edison please help us! 

“Somebody, please turn the lights on,” ordered Chris as he stepped into the front door.    
“They are not working,” replied Hannah.
 “Do the neighbors have electricity?” asked Steve. 
“I don’t think so,” I said.

I walked out the front door and down the white chat driveway to get a better look at the neighbor’s home.  As I neared the woods between our homes, I notice how dark and forbidding they were.  My imagination kicked in.  “What is there is a wild animal ready to pounce on me?  What if something is behind me?” said the voices.  “Enough!  I am not scared,” I said to control my thought process.  I calmly turned around to walk back to our home. 

By the time I reached the front door I heard Steve on the phone with the utility company.  There was a substation outage.  We would be without electricity for a time.  It reminded me of the ice storm of January 2007, when we were without power for 12 days, only this time it the middle of the summer, July 2013,

Steve, Chris, and Hannah each found flashlights and candles.  I began digging in my purse for my cell phone thinking that I am so glad it has a full charge.  Chris and Hannah were restlessly wandering through the house with their flashlights and Steve was feeding our five cats and a dog.

 “Please don’t shine the light in my eyes.  It is giving me a headache.” I pleaded. 
“Oh, sorry, Mom” they both said.  Accidentally one of my lovely children shined the light in my eyes again.  What was Steve doing outside anyway?  I decided to check on him.

Steve was sitting on the back porch with Nanook, our American Eskimo dog, sitting faithfully by his side.  Two black cats meowed as if to say,

“Please, stroke my back!”  I petted one, “Sam, is this you?”  I asked because it was difficult to detect in the dark.  I found a chair.

 “It is a beautiful night!” I said looking around. 

Suddenly, it seemed like the light turned on, but as I looked inside the huge bay window I saw that the light had not come on yet.

 “Is that the moonlight?  It is so bright!  Just look at it streaming through the trees.  It’s beautiful.” I exclaimed. 
“Yes, it will be a full moon in five days!” informed my detail oriented husband!

Steve and I reminisced about past family fun times until it felt like the mosquitoes and chiggers were getting the best of me.  This time, when I entered the family room, Chris and Hannah had finally settled down to playing a card game of Rummy with happy music playing on the cd player.  Thank God for batteries.  Steve joined me on the couch, as we watched the card game.  We, all of us, reminisced some more laughing quietly. 

Suddenly, the light in the entryway popped on.  “Oh, that scared me!” exclaimed Hannah.  “Oh, I didn’t want this to end!  It was fun playing cards by candle light and listening to music.”  “It doesn’t have to end!” said Chris.  The two continued to play for a few more minutes to finish out the game.

I just have to say that it has been a great day filled with love and laughter.  The only thing that could have made it better was for Stephanie and Jeff to be here with us.  We have had many cherished moments with them as well.  How many times I have taken times like this for granted?  How many times have I not appreciated the laughter just not thinking?  God created laughter and joy.  He gives us life and special moments with loved ones.  I now treasure them more than ever

Monday, July 15, 2013


“How can you make a mistake like this?  You are so dumb!”  Harsh words, such as these, are spoken many times by thoughtless and careless people.  My friends, it is my conviction that one of the most important things we can do to help people is to add value to their life.

There is power in encouragement.  This encouragement could be everything in someone’s life.  It builds people up and it makes them strong.  It makes them want to continue on instead of quitting. 

How can we encourage others?  There are many ways.  For example, the words we speak to people can be a blessing or a curse.  Instead of saying you are so stupid for making a mistake, how much more encouraging would it be to say, “It is okay.  We all make mistakes, just learn from your mistake and press on.”

Another way we can add value to people is to give them our full attention, when they are speaking to us.  We must look at the person speaking, not at your cell phone text message.  Focus on what this person is saying, not what you are going to say next.

We have opportunities during the course of our day to smile and say, “Thank you.”  When I was shopping at a business, an unhappy hostess began taking my order.  I could see a frown and perhaps even a tear was quickly wiped from her cheek.  As she completed my order, I smiled and said, “You did a great job.  I appreciate what you did for me!  Have a great day!”  This hostess smiled back at me in surprise and said, “You are welcome!”

Encouraging others takes effort.  We have to be intentional.  Being encouraging is a lot like crafting a musical instrument, such as a guitar.  The finest wood is carefully chosen, a blue print of the design is drawn, varnish is gently stroked onto the instrument, and so forth.  The whole process is thought out just the way we should think about the words we speak. 

It’s funny, but I find that when I add value or encourage other I feel better about myself.  I see others fell better about themselves, too.  Our son, Chris is a lifeguard.  His job is to watch and be aware of any possible dangers swimmers may encounter while swimming in the pool.  On one such day a dad and his 4 year old son climbed out of the swimming pool.  The dad said to his son, “Micah, stand right here beside me.  Do not get back into the pool.   We will get back in, but I want to talk with my friend for a moment.”  The son nodded his head saying yes.  The son grew impatient waiting for his dad and jumped into the pool barely making a splash.  The dad was unaware and continued his conversation.  Chris saw the son jump in and immediately dived into the pool.  Chris picked the son up out of the water sitting him on the side of the pool splashing water everywhere.  At that time the dad heard the water and looked around to see what was causing all the uproar.  When the dad saw it was his son, he gasped.  The dad said, “Oh my goodness!  I didn’t know he jumped in!  Oh my goodness!  I appreciate what you did for me, Chris.  My son may not be here at this moment if it wasn’t for you!  Thank you!”

Chris came home grinning from ear to ear.  He shared the whole story!  I said, “Look at you!”  Chris get paid for adding value to people.  How awesome is that?

Let’s develop a habit of adding value to others and encouraging them everyday.
Dale Carnegie said, “You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of the world’s happiness now.  How?  By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged.  Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.”


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Making Memories and Having Fun: Five and Dime Store Experiences

 One bright sun shiny spring day my husband and I wrapped up a business appointment

in Branson, Missouri.  “Do you want to shop a bit at Dick’s Five and Dime before we

head home?” my husband asked.

     “Sure,” I replied.  As I stepped into Dick’s Five and Dime Store, a flood of sweet

memories came to my mind and filled my heart with gladness.  Visions of our three

children running up and down the isles looking at the toys and even visions of my own

childhood experiences in other Five and Dime Stores in Bolivar and Buffalo, Missouri

brought smiles to my heart. Five and Dime Stores, being a popular type of business in the

60’s, provided fun learning experiences and provided the means in making memories for

my family. 
     Many times our mother would take us to the Five and Dime Store in Bolivar, Missouri

to pick up Household items and undoubtedly we ended up in the toy section.  “I think I

want a kite today.  I want a set of jacks?  Oh, Mom, look at this felt marker set!”  The

shopping experience created as much fun as playing with our new toys and gadgets. 

These toys and gadgets, also, provided my brother and I with many great fun learning


     We bought clay in a package of four square bars in red, yellow, green, and blue.  We

would mold the clay in animal shapes, dish shapes, flower shapes, and more.  Mixing the

colors together was a great experience, too. 

     Over the years we bought many different simple toys such as a jump rope, a set of

jacks and kites.  We even purchased school supplies each fall.

     The most fun Five and Dime experience I had was one warm summer afternoon.  My

younger brother and I along with our mother sat waiting in the car for my dad.  Time

seemed to drag on and on watching for our father to complete a business transaction with

a local business owner in Buffalo, Missouri.  I observed the different stores on the city

square such as a bank, a clothing shop, a barber shop, a five and dime store, and jewelry

store.  “Mom, can we go look around in the dime store?” I asked.  “Well, I

don’t know.  Your Dad will probably be out soon and then we can pick up some

groceries,” replied my Mom.  “Please?” my brother and I cried in unison.  Our mother

looked at the store assessing the store and the distance from where we were parked.

“Well, okay.  Here is twenty-five cents.  Why don’t you buy you and your brother a bag

of candy?”  “Oh that sounds great!” 

     Excitedly, I jumped out of the car with the quarter in hand.  As I stepped into the store,

I observed long counters upon counters of penny candy.  In fact, I had never seen so

much candy in all of my 9 years!  Pixie Sticks, Jolly Ranchers, Laffy Taffy, Sweet Tarts,

Sugar Babies, Sugar Daddies, Double Bubble Bubble Gum, Jaw Breakers, and other

kinds of candy to fill our bag with.  What does a Pixie Stick taste like?  And Sweet Tarts? 

I glanced back out at the car questioningly.  My brother anxiously peered out of the car at

me anticipating what I was choosing for both of us.  There was only one way to find out

and that was to try different candies.  I filled our bag with two of each kind of candy I

thought my brother and I would like to eat.  The quarter bought a lot of candy for two 7

and 9 year old kids to devour!

     Arriving to the car, my brother opened the back door for me.  We poured the bag of

candy onto the back seat.  “Oh!  Ah!  What is this?  Let’s try the Pixie Sticks first?”  The

little grains were a taste bud treat of sweet and sour all at the same time!  “Let’s don’t eat

too much!  We don’t want to make ourselves sick.”  Over the course of the next two days

my brother and I consumed the twenty-five cent bag of candy.  We thoroughly enjoyed

ourselves.  After the experience, every time we traveled to Buffalo, Missouri we bought a

bag of penny candy. 

     Five and Dime Stores provided fun learning experiences and memories for my

family.  As Benjamin Benii once said, “We didn’t realize we were making memories, we

just knew we were having fun.”  

Friday, June 28, 2013

Our First Date On The Square

“Mom, where did you and Dad go?” Stephanie’s demanding tone called for my attention.  

     I turned around to look into our oldest daughter’s big dark brown eyes, for her

question did not make any sense.

     “Go?” I asked scrunching my eyebrows.

     “Would you describe your first date with dad?” she prodded.  “Did you know dad

would be the one you would marry?”

     “Oh, I see,” I smiled.

     “Yes, Mom, pleeaasssse, tell us!” chimed in our younger two children, Christopher

and Hannah, emphatically.

     At that moment my eyes wandered from Stephanie to Christopher to Hannah and to

Steve.  When I cast my eyes on Steve, our eyes locked together in a sweet and precious

memory we will share forever and ever.

     I sat down at the table with my family and began telling the story….

     Standing in front of the mirror of my room, I breathed in deeply in an attempt to calm

my swiftly beating heart.  I could feel it pounding in my ears.  “This is ridiculous!” I

scolded myself.  I softly walked to my desk in my room and sat down.  I opened a book

and began reading.  This would distract my racing thoughts and calm me.  I read a full

page and I didn’t even know what I read.  Shaking my head from side to side, I closed the


     At the moment I heard the rumble of a car motor and the crinkle of gravel as tires

rolled. As I peered out of my upstairs window, a burgundy 1976 Pontiac Grand Prix

slowly drove past and stopped by the front gate.  Polly, our English shepherd barked as if

to say, “You do not belong here.  Who do you think you are?” 

     Steve opened the heavy and huge door of the car and stepped out.  Polly kept barking

and Steve, ignoring the dog, slowly walked to the front door.  I heard my mother open the

squeaky front door.  I heard her say, “Hi Steve!  Come on in and sit down.  Teresa will be

down in a minute.” 

     I took a deep breath and pretended not to be anxious by bouncing down the stairs.  I

stepped into the living room where Steve was sitting on the couch and my mom sitting on

the recliner.  “Hi!” I said smiling and pretending not to feel awkward I sat down in our

rocker.  We talked for a short time.  My mom joked that we were going out on her

birthday, July 7, 1979.

     Steve said, “Are you ready?  We better hit the road if we are going to make the 7

o’clock showing.” 

     We were traveling to Springfield to the Fox Theatre on the square to see “The Apple

Dumpling Gang Rides Again” staring Don Knotts.  He was always one of my favorite


     I stepped out the front door with Steve behind me.  He followed me to the passenger

side of his car and opened the door for me.  After I sat down inside the white interior of

the Grand Prix he gently slammed the door and quickly walked to the driver’s side of the

door.  He started the car and backed up to turn the car around and then we traveled the

long gravel driveway to the blacktop highway.  We turned south on C traveled to D

highway into Bolivar and onto highway 13 to Springfield.

     Since the summer evening was hot and humid, Steve cranked the air conditioner to

full throttle blasting us with cool air.  As we drove along in silence I observed how

bright, green, and beautiful the vegetation was with the setting sun casting streams of

golden light.

     “How was your day?” Steve asked. 
     I began sharing about my activities and asked Steve about his day.  We talked all the

way.  We talked about college, church, work, and goals setting.  At the time I was

biology/chemistry/general science teacher at Nixa RII School District.  Steve had

completed an Bachelor of Arts’s degree in history and was currently working at Wood’s

Supermarket in Buffalo, Missouri. 

     As Steve drove around the square in Springfield, I looked around.  The square had

always intrigued me such as people out walking, the middle park, and the tall Heers

building.  We parked the car on Water Street parking lot,.  We both got out of the car and

walked up Booneville Street to the Fox Theatre on the northeast corner of the square. 

There was a fairly long ticket line, but it was moving fairly fast.  Steve handed the clerk a

twenty dollar bill picked up the change and the two tickets.  As we walked into the

theatre, I admired the large polished stone pillars and red cloth seats.  It was the most

beautiful movie theatre I had ever been in.  We found an empty row of seats 1/3 of the

way from the movie screen.  It wasn’t long until others joined in sitting beside us.  It was

a packed house.

     We watched previews and finally the movie started.  Don Knotts and Tim Conway

were as hilarious as ever.  Steve and I both laughed and laughed.  About half way through

the movie Steve placed his arm around me.  Thirty minutes later I wondered if his arm

was going to grow tired.  Sure enough he began moving his arm back on forth.  I knew

circulation was slowing and causing a pin prickling and tingling sensation the one gets

when their arm feels like it is going to sleep.  I smiled and I laughed a little on the inside. 

Steve never moved his arm.  The movie was over all too soon.

     We waited for some of the people to clear out before we left the theatre.  When there

was a loll we stood up and walked out.  As we stepped out onto the street Steve put his

arm around me again.  He opened the car door for me again.  He walked around and got

into the car.  I put my seatbelt on and waited for Steve to start the car.  Steve put the keys

into the ignition and turned the keys to start the motor.  Just as fast as he turned the keys

to start the car, he turned the keys back to stop the car.  I thought, “What?”  Steve turned

toward me and began leaning toward me.  “Uh-oh!  He is going to kiss me!  What am I

going to do?”  I was a little anxious and wasn’t sure I wanted a kiss yet, but it was

too late.  When Steve’s lips met mine, I felt the softness of rose petals brush my heart.  I

was lost in the tenderness of the moment.   

     After all the sweet kisses Steve said, “You are beautiful!  Do you know that?”  I

just looked into his eyes.  I didn’t know how to respond. 

     “Mom, did Dad really kiss you on the first date?  I didn’t think you should kiss until

you get married!” asked Stephanie in shock! 

     Christopher and Hannah giggled, as I nodded my head yes, smiling. 

     “What is wrong with that?” I teased. 

     “Oh, nothing!” Stephanie teased back. 

     “Eeee!” laughed the two younger siblings. 

     “What happened next?” asked Christopher.

     Your dad turned and started the car.  We drove back to Goodson.  I was quiet as

darkness began to fall.  I was pondering.  A flood of thoughts ran through my mind.  I

had never felt this way about someone before.  It was a little overwhelming.  Somehow I

knew in my heart that Steve would be the one I would spend the rest of my life with. 

How can I possibly know this now for I hardly knew Steve?  I am not ready to get

married now!  Nevertheless, I knew.  

     All the while I was quietly pondering, Steve was thinking. “Uh-oh, I have frustrated

Teresa and she probably will not go on another date with me!”  About half way back to

my home, we picked up our conversation again.

     “Did you go out with dad again?” anxiously asked Hannah.

     “Hannah Banana!  Yes, Mom did!” giggled Christopher.

     “Oh, such a sweet story!” sighed Stephanie.

     “There is a lesson here for the three of you!” I informed.

     “Really? What?” asked Christopher.

     “Yes, there is.  Choosing who you marry and spend the rest of your life with is a

major decision.  A dear friend, in fact, she was like a grandmother to me,

shared a wise piece of information with me.  I treasured this wisdom.  Pray

and seek God’s will for the special person God has prepared for you to marry.  Trust God

with your life.  You see, riding home after the movie on our first date I recalled this

wisdom.  I decided to allow our relationship to stand the test of time.  I would get to

know Steve better and seek wisdom from God.”